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Quality policy

The Joluso Group/Invepe had always present, guidelines and decisions, aware of the importance of quality and, thus, the permanent satisfaction of its customers and employees.
By this constant goal, the Administration has implemented a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001, demonstrating at the national level and in the countries where we are, and we want to be, as a reference of quality.

We commit ourselves, because:
-Further Increase the degree of confidence of our customers and therefore your fidelity;
-Increasing training and professional updating of our employees, making them feel and hug, increasingly, the pulse of the company;
-Meet customer requirements, regulations and legal;
-Continuously improve the effectiveness of Quality Management;
-Highlight in new markets the quality;
-Substantivar sure of this and, above all, the future of the group, both nationally and internationally.
-Ensure the resources and means necessary;
-Keep a good relationship with suppliers to assume commitments of quality of its services.
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